Friday, February 25, 2011

Vote for ME!

So my dear friends, my bench is one of the finalists over at The Saturday Morning Blog for the month of February. Will you vote for me? Pretty please!!!!
You can vote once a day, so I may be an annoying blogger for the next few days. Thank you so MUCH!!!


Anonymous,  2/25/2011  

Cute bench! I voted for you. Stopping by from the blog hop today. Nice work. The bench is adorable!

Life, Crafts and Whatever 2/25/2011  

Voted for ya, doll! Looks like you're in second place right now. Even if we weren't bloggy friends, I'd still vote for ya, yours is definitely my fave!

Ali Richardson 2/25/2011  

I voted for you! (& between you and I, you should definitely win!!)

Mindie Hilton 2/25/2011  

I just voted for you. Good Luck!

Anonymous,  2/25/2011  

voted for you!!

Michelle 2/26/2011  

I just hopped over and voted for you!

Unknown 2/26/2011  

Thanks so much for the sweet comment, I love your bench made from a table. Such a great idea.

gail@My Repurposed Life 2/27/2011  

I love this bench! Since there are two Circle of Bliss gals in the bunch, I'll alternate my votes! :)

OLD BRAND NEW 2/28/2011  

Done! You have my vote. Yay for your fab bench!

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons 2/28/2011  

on my way! <3 whoohoo!!!!! good luck!

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