Monday, January 31, 2011

Swapping Party

As you can tell from my last few posts, I've been working on building up my blog a bit and getting myself out there.  While this all started as a hobby for me, I find that sharing my projects with more of you, is so much more fun.  I'm loving all the sweet comments and it's a constant motivation to do more.  My creative juices are flowing like never before. I spend my day thinking of what I could do next. This has been a huge motivator for me.  Homemaker on a Dime is hosting her second blog swapping party. 

I joined last week and found some new great friends. Loving Every Second has the most delicous recipes and cutest crafts. Her blog is just adorable.  You must check her out.

Military Spouse House is the sweetest girl. Her son is just adorable and her crafts leave me wanting to get creative. 

So come join the fun and maybe you can make some new friends!

I promise to get back to my regular posts soon.


Anonymous,  1/31/2011  

Thank you so much for following me!! I am now following you as well. I can't wait to check out your projects, perhaps I will be inspired to do my own projects someday.

SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime 1/31/2011  

I'm a follower now, too. Thanks for linking up :)

Jaymee 1/31/2011  

I am your newest follower!! Your blog looks great, I'm excited to follow:)


Michelle 1/31/2011  

Aw, thanks for mentioning me!

Natosha 1/31/2011  

Hey there, I'm a new follower! I love the simple and modern design you have going on here. Can't wait to read more :)

Creative Escapes 1/31/2011  

HI! I found you over at Homemaker on a Dime - can't wait to read more - I am your newest follower! Come check me out when you get some time:

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy 1/31/2011  


Thank you so much for stopping by and for following me! I like the cool things that you found last weekend; especially the wire basket.

Take care and God bless,


Military Spouse House 1/31/2011  

Hi! Thanks so much for featureing me! It really made my night! I love your blog and decided to feature you as well! :)


Mary Ann Pickett 2/01/2011  

I love your design!
Mary Ann

LP aka A Crafty Southern Chick 2/01/2011  

I hopped over from SJ's swap :) Your yellow on your blog is so cheerful!

Slice of Pie 2/01/2011  

I'm following you! I jumped over from the swap party and after looking at some of your past posts ... I decided I could learn from your talents! Nice to meet you!

Jodi 2/01/2011  

I am a new follower! What a great blog you have. I came from the blog swap. :)


Karen 2/01/2011  

Hey, Nice blog. Following yo as a result of the swap party. Visit me at

Chrissy 2/01/2011  

Isn't it funny how the more followers we see, the more inspired we feel, you know like someone really is understanding us and paying attention. I am now following you, thanks for joining the Swap Party.

Life, Crafts and Whatever 2/03/2011  

I've nominated you for the Stylish Blogger Award!

Rachael@Lovely Crafty Home 2/03/2011  

Found you at the party and just became a follower!!

Lynn at Cottage and Creek 2/03/2011  

I just discovered the Followers Swap party today. What a great idea! Your blog is great and I'm delighted to be your newest follower. I'm looking forward to reading more about your adventures! Hope you'll visit me too!

Life, Crafts and Whatever 2/09/2011  

I'm still a huge fan of your blog! Hence (yes, I said hence) another award!

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