Thursday, March 17, 2011

Let Me Introduce You

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Let me introduce you to my cousin's blog, Directions Not Included.  She bought an amazing home from the 1950's and is in the throe's of a major remodeling.  How cool is this blog world that you can chronicle every step of the way.  When we bought our house I created a photo album that I pull out every once in a while to remind myself where we came from.  No blog and for some reason, film pictures (it took me a while to go digital).

Here are some of the before pictures of her home. I love the Scarface vibe going on in here and that wallpaper is great. 
Here's one in the process room.  It's already looking so different. 
I can't wait to see it all done. Head on over there and say hi!


Anonymous,  3/17/2011  

will do!

jeanette from everton terrace 3/17/2011  

I think we had some wallpaper like that in a bathroom when I was little :)

Danielle Oakey Interiors 3/17/2011  

wow, so excited to see!

Anonymous,  3/17/2011  

Thanks so much for following me! I am so excited to have found YOUR blog!! I LOVE your master bedroom now---the colors are amazing!!

Carol@TheDesignPages 3/17/2011  

That's quite the project. Happy to follow.

Stephanie Murphy 3/17/2011  

I love seeing remodels! Its become my guilty pleasure.

Carrie @ Hazardous Design 3/18/2011  

Wow! That's some project! Heading over to take a closer look :)

Mimi 3/20/2011  

Love the pink toilet! I know you want to replace it but store somewhere just in case :) They don't make those anymore We are hoping to remodel our 50's bathroom too - it's all gray and pink tile - Will love following your progress and your ideas!

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