Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thank You Giveaway

I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for giving me the motivation to do what I love.  This blog has brought me great joy and a new found love.  I woke up Monday morning to find 150 followers! So as promised, here's a little giveaway to thank you for your support.  It's a $20.00 gift card to Target, because who can't use a little Target in their lives.
So I will keep it simple.  The giveaway winner will be announced Monday, March 7th.

Required entry = leave a comment letting me know you are a follower (public follower). 

For fun = If you want to do any of the extras (you know the drill) Facebook, Tweet, Blog about my giveaway, I'd love you for it and just leave me a comment letting me know what you did and a link to it.

Thank you!

Update: This giveaway is now closed.


Anonymous,  3/02/2011  

I'm sooooo a follower of your blog! I heart it!

Awesome giveaway

jeanette from everton terrace 3/02/2011  

Congratulations and now you are even up to 158! Totally right, who doesn't have a weekly trip to Target on their list? I'm a google follower :)

Homeroad 3/02/2011  

Hi J&J I'm a faithful follower!

Homeroad 3/02/2011  

I'm linking you to my facebook too!

Dwellings by DeVore 3/02/2011  

I'm a follower and I love target! :)

Life, Crafts and Whatever 3/02/2011  

You know I'm a follower!

Life, Crafts and Whatever 3/02/2011  

Tweeted this!!/jenfur427/status/42944920331362305

Michelle @ Dream Home DIY 3/02/2011  

Good morning and congratulations! I am a follower :0)

Anna@Directions Not Included 3/02/2011  

I'm a follower! So great to see you up to 158!

M in TX 3/02/2011  

I'm a follower and addicted to Target!

Unknown 3/02/2011  

I'm a follower!

Alexander's Mommy 3/02/2011  

I'm a follower!!!! and I LOVE Target!

Mindie Hilton 3/02/2011  

I love your blog and am a public follower. I love Target too!

~Tonja~ 3/02/2011  

I am a follower also....sweet giveaway...

Anonymous,  3/02/2011  

I'm a follower and love your inspirational ideas. I'm also an avid Target shopper.

Courtana 3/02/2011  

Congrats on the 150! I am a follower of your lovely blog!

Anonymous,  3/02/2011  

congrats girlie!! :) and yes.. who doesn't love them some target!

Anonymous,  3/02/2011  

oh and i tweeted it for ya!

Ali Richardson 3/02/2011  

I am a HAPPY follower of your awesomeness :)

Unknown 3/02/2011  

Happy to follow and congrats on hitting the big 1-5-0! :)

ARK 3/02/2011  

ahhhh!!!! Target!!! follower :)

A Vintage Vine 3/02/2011  

Your blog rocks! I just found you last week and I am so happy to follow you! SO glad to hear you are having are very talented! Great giveaway, thanks for offering this!

Amy 3/02/2011  

I enjoy reading your blog and appreciate your sweet comments on my new blog! I love the stuff you do. good job!

Carol@TheDesignPages 3/02/2011  

I am a happy follower:) Congrats on surpassing 150!

mary 3/02/2011  

I am a follower and would be happy to take that gift card off your hands!!! xox!

The Adventures of Ordy and Joon 3/02/2011  

you know I'm following! fun appreciation giveaways!

Danika Herrick 3/02/2011  

Yay! Congrats! I follow and love!

Amber B (Simple Dwellings) 3/02/2011  

I would love to be considered for this giveaway! I am your newest follower! :) Thanks for doing this great giveaway! I would live at Target, if I could! :)

Joi 3/02/2011  

You're too cute! I love your outlook. Blogging is so fun to me, too! I'm a follower, chica! : )

LBB 3/02/2011  

I'm a follower!! :)

Elizabeth@themustardceiling 3/02/2011  

I'm a follower, I have really enjoyed reading your blog and I love Target :). Thanks for the great giveaway, and you're really racking up the numbers now, way to go. I think I started following right before you hit 100.

Cassie {Hi Sugarplum} 3/03/2011  

Congrats on all your readers!!! We're a smart bunch to follow you!

Delightful Deets 3/03/2011  

I'm a follower! Target is awesome, thanks for the great giveaway!

Michelle 3/04/2011  

I love Target!

And I'm a Follower :)

Tara Lauren 3/04/2011  

I love Target and I would love to win this!

gail@My Repurposed Life 3/05/2011  

follower! I love target! great giveaway!

Linda@Coastal Charm 3/06/2011  

I'm following and I love me some TARGET!!!!


Unknown 3/06/2011  

What a thoughtful giveaway item- I am a public follower-

The Loops 3/06/2011  

I'm a follower! Thanks for offering this!

Liz 3/06/2011  

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a follower!

eemoody77 at gmail dot com

Liz 3/06/2011  

I tweeted!!/FakeGradSchool/status/44580750791675904

eemoody77 at gmail dot com

Mallory 3/07/2011  

Great giveaway! I'm a follower! :) 3/07/2011  

i tweeted as well :)

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